Erik Wilson

I am currently a rising senior at Purdue University studying Computer Engineering with a minor in Economics and a certificate of Entrepreneurship and Innovation. I am searching for my first career out of undergrad at innovative, highly collaborative companies, in both hardware and software roles (ideally some combination of the two). Here UPDATE is a copy of my resume for anyone interested, and please feel free to contact me through email with any job inquiries.

I would consider my main technical skills to be full stack programming, C programming, ASIC design, and test scripting. As opposed to specifying in either hardware or software, I’ve tried to take as many classes as possible in both fields, as I feel both are very important to know. I have the most experience in Python and C, and I also have experience with HDLs such as SystemVerilog and Verilog. I’ve developed with Bash, HTML, JavaScript, SQL, Java, C#, and some Swift as well. This upcoming school year, I am taking classes in Machine Learning, Computer Architecture, Compilers and Operating Systems, and plan to have strong experience in these fields by graduation.

I have had two internships in software engineering, one with Progressive Insurance and one with Trimble Inc., and one co-op geared more towards mechanical engineering at Trust Manufacturing, a local Cleveland Company. My main project throughout both software internships involved creating automated test suites to help reduce the manual testing time. At Progressive, I created Bash scripts to verify data migrations during a Hive upgrade that saved about 2000 manual test hours over a script runtime of 10 hours. At Trimble, I leveraged C# and Gherkin to cover about 40% of quarterly UI regression testing. These internships also had intern projects to complete as well. At Progressive, our intern team developed and analyzed Sharepoint sites for the Enterprise Monitoring team. At Trimble, our intern team developed a resume parser and database using Python and Angular.

I also participated in a Mechanical Engineering Co-Op during the summer of 2020. Originally, I had planned spend my summer on the Journey of Hope through my fraternity Pi Kappa Phi. The Journey of Hope is a cross-country bike ride raising money and awareness for people with disabilities. I had personally raised over $3,000 and was training frequently until covid hit, ultimately cancelling the trip. I was pretty devastated by the cancellation, and it was April and I had no plans for the summer. Eventually, I was able to find work though. Although outside of my major, I was lucky to be able to work for Trust Manufacturing that summer, as well as take classes, to try and make the most of a disappointing situation. I served as a Mechanical Engineering Co-Op for Trust, overseeing projects and performing nuclear grade inspections on various mechanical parts. I completed 4 classes that summer as well, 2 computer engineering, 1 economics, and 1 entrepreneurship course.

I have a lot of extracurricular leadership experience from school as well. I am very involved with my fraternity, Pi Kappa Phi both on the chapter and national level. I also served as the chair of Purdue’s Chapter of IEEE Computer Society for 3 semesters. I have some experience managing finances as well, serving as the Treasurer of Purdue’s Interfraternity Council. In an interview, I’d love to go into detail about each of these roles and how they affected me, but I can’t give it all away here ;)

For now, I am on the job hunt for post-graduation. In the long term future, I’d love to go down the entrepreneurship path and start my own business. I’m always looking for new opportunities for jobs and learning, so please reach out if interested. If you’ve made it this far, thanks for taking the time to read all this :)

I grew up in the North East Ohio suburb of Chagrin Falls, and have lived there since 2008 with my parents and younger sister. Before settling in Ohio, I lived in Detroit, Dallas, Toronto, Singapore, Miami, and Little Rock. More recently, I spend most of my year in West Lafayette, Indiana attending Purdue University majoring in Computer Engineering. I’m a big sports fan, and as a Clevelander I am obviously a die hard Browns fan. I still try to participate in sports, although baseball and football has become golf and running now in college.

In my free time, I really like to read and casually invest in the stock market. Here is a link to my good reads, which mostly consists of science fiction and fantasy, but has some other genres as well. Lately, I’ve been really into Frank Herbert’s Dune series, as well as the Witcher series. With investing, I mostly just buy and hold, although every once in a while I will trade stock options if I see an opportunity that looks good. I really enjoy traveling, and I am always looking to go to new places. I spend most of my other free time working out, playing video games, and spending time with my friends.

Here's a picture of me and my dog Goose. We go to the same barber.